
Monday, April 15, 2013

Recording: The Hardware Side

The hardware side of recording is just as complex as the software side of recording. For starters, you need instruments. Sound Engineers design instruments like guitars, drums, and keyboards specifically to make certain sounds based on their body shapes and acoustic qualities.

Depending of the size and shape of an acoustic guitar and the material it is composed of, it can have a brighter or deeper tone. The same goes for drums, pianos, and all instruments. From there you need a way to record the instrument. This usually comes in the form of a microphone or a "pickup" or a transducer that records mechanical vibrations, usually coming from a string instrument.

These signals are sent through cables into something called a mixer, which is essentially just a large EQ or equalizer where all the sound's elements are manipulated before going into the recording software. In the sound engineering community, you get what you pay for. Quality is nothing to be stingy about!

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